October 20th, 2012. I will remember this day forever. Its the day Tyler asked me to marry him.
Usually, I take the opportunity to use this little bit of hyperspace to discuss the latest and greatest nutrition news and gossip, or burning diet and exercise questions that many of you ask me every day. But this week, it just seems fitting to share to you all a very special day.
We woke up on Saturday morning and for the first time in a long time I didn't feel an urgent need to get up and get something done. We planned on heading out of town for the day to go corn mazing and see some of the last colors of the season. I love to go corn mazing; its so nice to get outside on a beautiful fall day and just be a kid again. Tyler told me he had to get a couple of things done at the office in the morning (no surprise to me), and I should meet him outside his office after I took a shower and got ready and we would meander around one of the last Farmer's Markets of the season (also one of my most favorite Saturday morning rituals).

We got the car out of his parking spot at the law firm on the capital square that he works at and I mentioned that it would be wonderful if we could stop at home before heading out of town. Naturally, I had to re-straighten my hair. Anyone who knows me is not surprised by this comment. I am overly OCD about having my hair straight. Tyler said he had to fill the tires up with air anyway, so of course he could drop me off so I could re-straighten it. Although, I think I did see a bit of an eye roll as he said that.

After we finished our two beers and shared a chicken salad sandwich, we headed towards Ski Hi. We got there in about 15 minutes and were a bit disappointed. There were about 4 apples left to buy and that was it. They were closing down for the season on Monday (10/22), and they were almost sold out of all their stock. We left after about 5 minutes and Tyler suggested we take a drive through Baraboo. I'm not sure how many of you have been there, but there's really nothing to see. I sort of looked at him questioningly, but agreed to take a drive there.

As we left Treinen Farms, I was excited because we talked about hitting Wollersheim Winery on the way back. Its right outside of Sauk City and I love that place because the views are breathtaking. Its right on hillside and as you gaze out you can see the Wisconsin River and the bluffs around it. It was always my dream to have my wedding reception there since the first time I went there, and I told Tyler that at one point. I think he laughed at me and told me to save my money! So, it was around 3:30pm as we were leaving Treinen and I was thinking we were going to have some wine in the near future. Tyler had other plans.
"Is there anywhere else you want to go around here? I'm not ready to head back to Madison yet." He said to me as we were driving. "Um, I don't think so," I said, but what I was really thinking is "Um, we are in the middle of nowhere and Jackie is ready for some wine..." So, we ended up driving around for about 45 minutes and I was getting so confused. I think we went through Lodi about 5 different times. Finally, I said, "we don't have to go to Wollersheim if you don't want to. We can head back to Madison." "Well, I'm not a huge fan of their wine," Tyler said, "but we can stop there if you really want to." "Yes. Go." I said immediately.
We got to Wollersheim around 4pm, I think. It was packed! But, for the second time that day I was ready to belly up to the bar, this time for a wine tasting. As we had our first flight, I smiled as I remembered last year when we went corn mazing. We stopped at Wollersheim on our way back and it was our first time there and that was when I decided I wanted my wedding there someday.

We headed to the other area where they were pouring the specialty flights and just as the wine pourer came over to us, I felt a hand on my back. I turned around and there were my parents! What a coincidence! I was actually telling Tyler just a few days ago that I miss them and wish I had just a few extra hours in a day to go see them, and here they were! "What are you guys doing here?" I asked. "Oh, we were just out cruising around, seeing the colors," they said. I noticed they were pretty dressed up to go "cruising around" but didn't say anything. I was in a Badger t-shirt, sweatshirt, jeans and tennis shoes. We were supposed to go to a Badger party when we got back to Madison.
Mom and Dad joined our tasting and just as we were finishing up, Tyler said "Look behind you." I turned and there were Perry and Heidi (Tyler's parents), Greg and Grace (Tyler's aunt and uncle), and Shane and Cheri (Tyler's brother and his girlfriend). I was shocked. "This is so strange! Hi everyone!" I said. Translation: What the Hell is going on?

After there were hugs all around, pictures taken, and eyes finally dried, my dad said, "So, you never actually answered the question. Did you say yes?" "Yes," I said, and I looked at Tyler and said "I love you."
I couldn't ask for a more wonderful day or anyone better to help celebrate it. My amazing parents are celebrating their 34th wedding anniversary on October 22nd. Through the thick and thin, kids and college, they got through it all. I am blessed to have them as my loving parents, and one day Tyler and I will celebrate our 34th wedding anniversary.
October 20th, 2012. I will remember this day forever. Its the day my life with Tyler, my best friend, begins.
Love this!!! Congrats!